A Real Wake-Up Call

A Real Wake-Up Call

I was lying on a floor mat, flat on my stomach, trying not to make a single move. My eyes were closed tightly as I waited with trepidation, wondering if today would be the day.

After what seemed like an eternity, I was tapped gently on my head. Naptime was over. And I still hadn’t been chosen to be the Wake-Up Fairy.

It had been my aspiration since the first day of kindergarten. After a 20-minute nap, one good sleeper was selected for that prestigious role.

When I was finally selected, it was the highlight of my kindergarten year. One by one, I tapped each of my classmates’ heads, bringing them back to life. It’s the only thing I remember from those days.

Wake-up calls are like that. Memorable.

For many, the recent election season was a wake-up call. But whether you’re experiencing tears of joy or despair, our work isn’t over.

Complaining doesn’t help. Nor does gloating. We are one country. And we still have so many values in common.

We need to work together to create the future we want. Each of us has something to contribute to this critical endeavor.

Don’t wait for someone to tap you on the head and say, “Can you help us out?”

Instead, be your own wake-up call. Get involved now. Be part of the solution.

“In the absence of wake-up calls, many of us never really confront the critical issues of life.”

~ Stephen Covey


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