Posts by Jill Konrath

What Jack Taught Jill
At the end of his senior year in high school, Jack joined the Navy and was shipped out to the Pacific. It was near the end of WWII, but he felt it …
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5 Newsletters I Love
I am so tired of newsletters that scream about what’s wrong with the world. I can’t stand reading about all that divides us—or the “others” who are …
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Prince, Paisley Park & Me
I was in shock last week when I walked out of Paisley Park—Prince’s recording studio, home and now, museum. People had come from all over the world …
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Do You Dare to Have Courageous Conversations?
“I can’t believe what he just said,” I muttered to myself as I walked away from the offending person. “He’s either an idiot or he’s been drinking the …
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Momisms You’ll Never Forget
Recently, I attended a talk by a man who is looking to unseat my Congresswoman—who’s a bit of a firebrand. After a brief intro, he said,
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An Experiment That Opened My Eyes
Can good ideas lead to unintended negative consequences? Absolutely—and sometimes it takes years, decades or even centuries to find that out.
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The Challenge of Unintended Consequences
Four years ago, the killing of George Floyd by a police officer was caught on film. It happened just a few miles from where I live. Suddenly, the …
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Fresh Thinking for Tough Challenges
When I went to New Zealand a few years back, I was blindsided by what I saw on the sandy shores of the Ninety-Mile Beach. It was beautiful. Pristine.
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There’s Still Hope—If You’re Braver
Recently, I attended a Braver Angels meeting that kicked off a statewide campaign “to reduce hostility and increase respect” during our upcoming …
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