Complacency is a Downhill Slide

Complacency is a Downhill Slide

Ever wondered how you got yourself into a bad situation? Perhaps you ignored the warning signs. Maybe you didn’t comprehend the ramifications of certain activities or decisions. Or, you might just be too busy to be bothered with anything else.

Then, one day, you wake up to find yourself facing broken relationships, a lost job, missed opportunities, poor health, and more.

As the saying goes, “Actions have consequences.” But so do non-actions. Being complacent can lead to even worse consequences.

Right now, in the US, we’re facing a pivotal moment. I’d hoped that when Trump came to power, he’d engage Americans in creating a better future. I’d hoped he’d work toward uniting us.

Instead, he’s tearing us apart as he issues edict after edict. Many are blatantly unconstitutional. Others destroy our relationships with long-term allies. They drive up consumer costs. They jeopardize the health and welfare of Americans as well as people around the world. They tear families apart.

The impact of these rapid-fire actions is huge and scary. Whole departments, even ones crucial for our security, have been gutted or eliminated, and knowledgeable people have been let go. How will things get done? What will be the basis for decisions?

Sometimes, I feel like we’re playing a game of Cards (Edicts) Against Humanity, and I shudder.

We’re at a crossroads. We can either stay in our homes feeling overwhelmed and shaking our heads in disbelief, or we can choose a different path. If we select the first option, we need to recognize that complacency leads to a downward spiral, and things will only get worse.

Or we can take action. We all want things to improve. However, what’s happening now is sure to bring consequences that many of us would prefer to avoid.

What can you do? Get involved. In any way you can. Ask yourself questions like, “What do I really care about? What energizes me? What upsets me the most? What kind of world do I want to leave for my children?”

Find groups that are already working on these initiatives. Support them financially and with your time and effort.

Remember, so much more is possible if we do this. Together, we can create a better future.


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