Keeping Hope Alive

Keeping Hope Alive

Guess what earned the “2024 Word of the Year?” honor. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, the most searched-for word this past year was ... (drum roll) …

Polarization. The funny thing is that both sides of the political spectrum wanted to understand precisely what it meant. Here’s how it’s defined:

“a division into two sharply distinct opposites; especially, a state in which the opinions, beliefs, or interests of a group or society no longer range along a continuum but become concentrated at opposing extremes.”

When the media continually uses that word, it divides us even more. We start to feel that the “others” are bad guys or even extremists who have nefarious motives.

And, if that’s the case, we can’t possibly work together to solve the challenges we face.

But it’s not true. Research shows we still agree on many things. Certainly, enough to work together on projects. And, perhaps more importantly, to discover what’s really possible and to create an even better future.

A few weeks ago, I gave you the gift of hope for the holidays. But hope isn’t enough. We still need strategies and action. We still need to deal with the obstacles we’ll inevitably face. We also need to engage other people who may have different perspectives.

But hope is the starting point. It’s up to us mere mortals to take the necessary actions. Someone has to. If we don’t, things could always get worse.

Hope also motivates you when you feel overwhelmed or frustrated by the slow pace of change. It helps you see the future you’re trying to create.

That’s why I want to share one of my favorite songs with you: I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack.

I listen to it when I need a boost. It lightens my load, revives my spirit, and gives me what I need to get going again. I hope you feel that way too.

I Hope You DanceI Hope You Dance

P.S. After thinking about the impact of the word “polarization,” I realized I needed to re-think my tagline: “Creating Positive Change in a Polarized World.” I am open to ideas!


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