One Young Man’s Community Saving Inspiration

One Young Man’s Community Saving Inspiration

Don’t believe that one person can make a big difference in their community? If not, you’ll be inspired by this story that Bruce Stephan shared with me:

Over the last 16 years, while vacationing in Mexico, my family has become friends with a local resident who works as a dishwasher at our resort. Many days, Pato (Patricio) drives 1.5 hours each way to work so he can earn money for his family. Over the years, he’s been promoted to a server and then to a bartender.

As we got to know Pato, he shared his dream with us. He wanted to help his village (where he and his family live) survive, so he decided to focus on honey manufacturing. He grew up surrounded by many honey bee farmers in that region of Mexico.

His vision: “To help my fellow villagers thrive by creating a business where they can sell their honey, and build recognition throughout the world, and through our brand, promote our Mayan culture and help preserve our ancestral traditions.”

Pato worked passionately at it for years before realizing his dream was becoming a reality—a business model that supported his family and the entire village. My family and I were inspired by what he was doing and could see the positive changes happening in those he was surrounded by.

Long story short, he built a sustainable business that extends beyond Mexico. This business has allowed him to save the village, build a brick-and-mortar distribution and sales facility, and educate many others on how to leverage the benefits of honey in their own businesses.

When I talk with Pato, I often hear him comment that his mantra through the sixteen years has been, “I don’t care. I will do it. I am ready.” I love his focus and determination to make it work.

Below is Pato’s story in his own words.

Honey Jars

PATO’s Story

My parents worked very hard all their lives so that the family always had food on the table. Working in the fields was always our way of obtaining food and the necessary resources. We didn’t have a lot of money, but we were very happy.

Honey was always our main activity. At first, we produced little honey, and we sold it to middlemen. On several occasions, we were victims of theft; our hives and equipment were taken, and we had to start all over again.

In a time of great need, I left home to go to Cancun to work. I remember my grandfather telling me, go and work hard, but never forget your origins, your family, and the countryside!

My grandfather told me, the countryside will always give you what you need. And just as my grandfather told me, so I did. I worked hard, saved, and invested everything in the UluumilKaab project.

It was in 2018 when we gave a name and organization to our dream of being great honey producers.

This is a family project. My brothers and I started working there. Over the years, more family members have joined UluumilKaab.

We are growing and selling inside and outside of Mexico, and the whole family has work and a livelihood. In January 2018, construction of the store/warehouse began. Some friends from the United States supported us by designing the logo and we were officially starting what we had always dreamed of.

Today UluumilKaab is a collector, producer, and distributor of its own honey, without intermediaries and with the highest quality standards. Our honey must go through a traditional process that does not include the use of chemicals or sugars to offer a natural, organic, and artisanal honey.

We also support 103 beekeepers in Yucatan through a benefits plan that includes granting them a loan so they can acquire wax, beekeeping equipment, harvesting tools, protection tools and many other items they can purchase from us on credit.

In addition, we teach them all the protocols we have learned on the way to becoming internationally certified so that they can take care of their bees, hives and the honey they extract.

YES! One person can make a difference. The question for you is this:

What difference do you want to make?

P.S. Check out the ULU´UMIL KA´AB website too. You might want to try some of their honey products.


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