Are You So Sure?
Are You So Sure? Every now and then, I experience a jolt that halts me in my tracks. That’s precisely what occurred on Saturday night. I was at home, sipping a glass …
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Are You Chewing Rocks?
Are You Chewing Rocks? A few years ago, I spoke at a conference in South Africa. I followed it by going on a safari in Pilanesberg National Park. Our group set off in an …
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I Used to Believe…
I Used to Believe… Several years ago, I was talking with my 91-year-old father about some of the big issues facing the US.
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The Mini-Skirt Protest
The Mini-Skirt Protest It’s bitterly cold here in Minneapolis. This week, the temperature has dropped to -17 degrees, not counting the wind-chill. Going outside is out of …
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Complacency is a Downhill Slide
Complacency is a Downhill Slide Ever wondered how you got yourself into a bad situation? Perhaps you ignored the warning signs. Maybe you didn’t comprehend the ramifications of …
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Back in the Saddle Again
Back in the Saddle Again After a busy holiday season, followed by an extended vacation in Chile, I’m back!
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A Real Wake-Up Call
A Real Wake-Up Call I was lying on a floor mat, flat on my stomach, trying not to make a single move. My eyes were closed tightly as I waited with trepidation, wondering …
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Silence is Complicity: Why I’m Compelled to Speak Out
Silence is Complicity: Why I’m Compelled to Speak Out “It’s not often I get upset, but there are some things that are just plain wrong. And, to sit silently by is, in essence, to be morally complicit in …
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The Deceit of Distraction
The Deceit of Distraction When my kids were growing up, I discovered a highly useful strategy for averting potentially undesirable situations. In fact, it totally altered …
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